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Tingvollost farm shop

Tingvollost farm shop
Gårdsbutikken hos Tingvollost
Tingvollost farm shop
Tingvollost farm shop
Tingvollost farm shop
Tingvollost farm shop
Tingvollost farm shop
Tingvollost farm shop

Visit and taste the worlds best cheese! In 2016 the blue cheeze, Kraftkar won this prestigious award. Family run farm dairy renowned for their award winning white- and blue cheeses made from the farm's own cow's milk.

Visit and taste the worlds best cheeze! In 2016 the blue cheeze, Kraftkar won this prestigious award. Familiy run farm dairy renowned for their award winning white- and blue cheeses made from the farm's own cow's milk.

Tingvollost produces six types of white- and blue cheeses from pasteurized cow's milk from their own farm. Both the farm and the dairy is run by a family of four generations.

From the farm shop you can see the cheese making every day. Our shop offers a range of local produce (we take VISA/Mastercard).

Outside you can visit our cows. They all have names. Facilitated for families with children with toys, seating and WC. We want our visitors to enjoy!


Bron: VisitNordvest

Tingvollost farm shop

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