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Bilde1 side 34 Foto_Emile Holba_mindre
Geilo_StJamessHouse_EmileHolba 11_mindre
Hallingstuene Frode Aga
Restaurant Hallingstuene, located right in the center of Geilo and is run by the famous chef Frode Aga and his wife Berit Kongsvik. The restaurant is decorated like three old living rooms with a fireplace, and rose painted walls. You can get local specialties and exquisite a la carte. Hallingstuene specializes in game dishes such as grouse, moose and deer. They also have their own gourmet menu. The restaurant also has a great wine cellar with over 900 different wines on the wine list. They have received an award in the American wine magazines Wine Spectator. Welcome to a nice experience at Restaurant Hallingstuene.

Bron: Visit Geilo AS


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