Herlig AS

Herlig offers traditional food from Geilo and Hallingdal, including homemade small food, sour cream porridge, and local baked goods like lefsekling and rømmebrød. They also produce elk and beef patties, meatballs, and pickled meat.
Herlig AS was established in 2014 by Gunn Kristin Øen Uthus and moved to new production facilities in Geilo Næringspark in 2016. Their products, including fresh and frozen small food, are available at Spar Geilo, Matkrok'n, and Kiwi, and online via Hallingkost.no. Herlig is set to expand after EFTA approval.
Småmat is a traditional Hallingdal dish made from local ingredients, often served at festive occasions. The recipe was originally submitted by Ål Bygdekvinnelag in 1989. In the villages of Hol and Ål småmat was also used as mean course during the først day of a wedding. When Gunn Kristin startet Herlig AS she learned the art of making småmat of Gunnvald, he made småmat since 1983 Herlig AS took over production in 2016, continuing the tradition with a modern twist.
During Norsk Matglede, The Norwegian Food Festival in 2024 event on Geilo recognized småmat with Protected Designation status. More information can be found here. The website is in Norwegian, so lett a translate program help you. Below on the side you can watch a video about Småmat.
Småmat is a traditional dish from Hallingdal, Norway, consisting of small, bite-sized portions made from local ingredients such as meat, potatoes, and grains. It is often served during festive occasions and has historical roots as a main dish at the first guest feast in rural Hallingdal communities. The recipe traditionally includes elements like meatballs, sausages, and cured meats, making it a quintessential representation of local food traditions. For more detailed information, you can visit Visit Norway.
Bron: Visit Geilo AS
Herlig AS