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Afdaling Ål in Hallingdal

Terrengsykling Primhovda
Happy people
Mountain biking. Gives you exciting challenges in beautiful nature, whether you prefer a trip on the high mountains or close to the centre. A selection of bike trips for mountain biking and cycling on idyllic gravel roads on the mountains have been tracked and you can find them at (privat and unofficial website).  Downhill cycling is possible to try in Slåtta bicycle park in Ål Ski centre. Suitable for people who enjoys speed and excitement! You find a selection of facilitated downhill pathways of varied difficulty. The cycle park is also arena for the bicycle festival Hillbilly Høkkfest every summer. The park is open on part of the summer and on request. See for more information/booking.  The event company Hillbilly MTB can give you tourtips and also offer guided terrain- and downhill cycling in exciting areas in Ål and Hallingdal. Rental of terrain bikes and necessary equipment. See for more information.  

Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv

Afdaling Ål in Hallingdal


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