Bergsjøen rond Ål in Hallingdal

Roundtrip in mountains of Bergsjø where you follow the trail around the lake Bergsjøen. About 8 km in easy high mountain terrain with great view towards Reineskarvet in the north.
When you come to the east end of Bergsjøen it is possible to take a detour past the lake Revtjern and up to Storehovda. You will have a fantastic view over the village of Vats.
Another great view can be achieved if you walk up to Vardehovda, a bit further to the west. Good cloudberry marshes and a lot of blueberrys to be found near the tree line during the season.
Rest areas can be found several places around the lake. You can also combine the hike with fishing in the lakes of Bergsjøen, Revtjern and Damtjern, fishing permit can be bought at the mountain lodge Bergsjøstølen.
They also have bicycles, canoes, kayaks and row boats for hire. To combine a hike with other activitites in Bergsjø area is the easiest thing to do.
- Makkelijk
- Berggebied
- Jagen en vissen
- Korte wandeltochten (1-4 uur)
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Bergsjøen rond Ål in Hallingdal