Boogplaats en valkuil in Baklien, Ål i Hallingdal

The hunting installation is a brick-built shooting position which was used as a hiding place for hunters with arrow and bow, hunting for the big game. The hunting installation is a crescent shaped wall of stones, with holes so that the hunter could see out while hiding behind it. This hunting installation is about 40 metres from a pitfall.
The pitfall was in the old times used to catch the big game. These ones are found all over Hallingdal. They were mainly used from the iron ages until the medieval times. The pitfalls were constructed with a sort of a box in the bottom of the pit so that the animal would not be able to get up again.
Drive towards Gol for about 3 km, and then you see the store Hallingmøbler. Park your car here.
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Boogplaats en valkuil in Baklien, Ål i Hallingdal