Dyna op Veståsen Ål in Hallingdal

Round trip about 12 km long in easy mountain terrain with the top at Dyna as a highlight. Fantastic view over Ål from the top !
Start the hike by driving past the station to Vestlivegen from the centre of Ål to Bosset where you find a parking lot. Toll road (cash only).
From Bosset the hike goes along a good trail between Restjødnan and towards Dyna (1212 masl). You will pass Bispen on your way to the peak. Further the hike goes along the trail down to Steinstølen, and from here you follow the mountain road to Fjellheim. Continue on the trail from Fjellheim back to Bosset.
The hike is in easy terrain on trails, mountain road and is well marked.
As an alternative you can walk this round trip in the other direction, or as a shorter alternative you can only walk from Bosset to Dyna and then back again.
Press the link for detailed map and height profile for this hike.
A more detailed map: Veståsen 1:50 000
- Makkelijk
- Berggebied
- Herfst
- Lente
- Zomer
- Korte wandeltochten (1-4 uur)
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Dyna op Veståsen Ål in Hallingdal