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Fanitullvegen rundt

Ny skilting Fanitullvegen rundt juli 2014
Sykling på Fanitullvegen i Ål
Sykkeltur ved Lya, på Fanitullvegen
Sykling i Ål

Fanitullvegen, Ål i Hallingdal

The bicycle trip Fanitullvegen rundt (Around Fanitullvegen) in the Ål- and Hemsedal area have been relaunched during the Summer of 2014, to many's delight. The trip is mainly along good gravel roads in idyllic high mountain terrain, and along trails in some parts marshy areas between the border of Hemsedal and Trettestølane.   The trail is as it used to be before apart from the area in Leveldåsen where you won't cycle past Breastølen and Kråkhamar anymore. If you arrive from the Hemsedal side, you must cycle on the mountain road past Fjellstølen, Høya and Randan before you turn up towards Leveldåsen cabin area by Venehovd. When the gravel road ends you must continue along the tractor road until you meet the gravel road a bit east of the mountain farms at Kråkhamar.   From there you continue the road over Lya river towards Trettestølane, Breiset and Hemsedal. New signs have been placed along most of the route, and some improvements have been made on the trail between Trettestølane and Breiset in the summer 2014.    The starting point for the signposts is in Holdeskaret in Hemsedal, but you can of course cycle the route in the other direction. If you prefer a shorter route, or a different bicycle trip choose the direction you want to cycle. It's also possible to combine this trip with the bicycle trip Stølsruta or other mountain roads in the area.    Brand new hike- and bicycle map for Ål/Gol/Hemsedal shows you how to cycle the route now according to the new trails. The "new" route is 3 km longer than the old one, now a total of 62 km.

Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv

Fanitullvegen rundt

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