Fietstochten Ål in Hallingdal

With its range of forest and mountain paths the area around Ål is perfect for delightful cycling trips. Down in the valley, cycle routes go alongside the river Hallingdalselva and are well separated from the traffic on the State Highway Rv 7. The route up from the valley towards the mountain can be strenuous, but the terrain is easier once you are higher up. If you want an easier start to your trip, then you can drive into the mountains and enjoy cycling on charming mountain paths through areas with summer houses and summer farms in the open mountain landscape. There is a comprehensive network of mountain paths around Ål because of the use of summer farms and the development of the waterways. This means that the mountain area is easily accessible for all.
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Fietstochten Ål in Hallingdal