Gol Stave kerk

Gol Stave Church, which is in the mediaval park Gordarike, is a true copy of the Gol stave church built in the 1200s. The copy was built in the 1980s and consecrated by the bishop of Tunsberg in 1994. In the summer evening on Wednesdays there is a devotional and sometimes musical performance. The church is often used for weddings. The woodwork inside the church is still bright, and it is easy to spot all the beautiful carvings and details. Visit the church and be humbled by the mood you will be greeted by. Inside you can listen to the beautiful Gregorian choir music (cd). In the Viking Hall next to the exhibition you can study the stave church architecture. Same opening hours / entrance ticket as to the Gordarike Family Park. Gol stave church (Gol stavkirke) is a stave church originally from Gol, Hallingdal, Norway. It is now located in the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History at Bygdøy in Oslo, Norway. When the city built a new church around 1880, it was decided to demolish the old stave church. It was saved from destruction by the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Norwegian Monuments, which bought the materials in order to re-erect the church elsewhere. It was acquired by King Oscar II, who financed its relocation and restoration as the central building of his private open-air museum near Oslo. The restoration, overseen by architect Waldemar Hansteen, was completed in 1885. In 1907 this early open air museum, the world's first, was merged with the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History, which now manages the stave church, still nominally the property of the reigning monarch. The church is dendrochronologically dated to 1212. In the 1980s, the modern replica was erected in Gol.
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Gol Stave kerk