Nystølen - Storestølen og Veslestølen Ål in Hallingdal

Description in English
Hike on Sangefjell to mountain farms from the old days.
Start from Nystølen where the trail goes in a south-eastern direction through a forested terrain for a few hundred metres. Then it continues on the northside of Nystølmyrane.
About halfways on the hike you will pass the idyllic waters of Partjørnane. From here you have a great view over Storestølhovda and Hauststølnatten in the south-east. When you come into the forest on the northside of these hills the trail divides, and you must now take the choice between the hike to Storestølen or to Veslestølen.
The trail to the right passes east of Storestølhovda and continues to Storestølen. The trail to the left continues past Hauststølnatten and follows down to Veslestølen. On your way back home you take the same trail.
For map and elevation profile of this hike see www.aal52.no
This hike is part of the hiking programme for Ål 52 "10 favorite hikes in Ål".
How to get here: Tak off from Highway 7 and drive through the industrial area Kleivi, then you continue on Sangefjellvegen towards Rødungen S for about 8 km. Toll road (cash and card).
Park by Sangefjellvegen, on your right handside 200 m past the crossroad to Nystølvegen.
Hike on Sangefjell to mountain farms from the old days.
Start from Nystølen where the trail goes in a south-eastern direction through a forested terrain for a few hundred metres. Then it continues on the northside of Nystølmyrane.
About halfways on the hike you will pass the idyllic waters of Partjørnane. From here you have a great view over Storestølhovda and Hauststølnatten in the south-east. When you come into the forest on the northside of these hills the trail divides, and you must now take the choice between the hike to Storestølen or to Veslestølen.
The trail to the right passes east of Storestølhovda and continues to Storestølen. The trail to the left continues past Hauststølnatten and follows down to Veslestølen. On your way back home you take the same trail.
For map and elevation profile of this hike see www.aal52.no
This hike is part of the hiking programme for Ål 52 "10 favorite hikes in Ål".
How to get here: Tak off from Highway 7 and drive through the industrial area Kleivi, then you continue on Sangefjellvegen towards Rødungen S for about 8 km. Toll road (cash and card).
Park by Sangefjellvegen, on your right handside 200 m past the crossroad to Nystølvegen.
- Makkelijk
- Bosgebied
- Berggebied
- Korte wandeltochten (1-4 uur)
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Nystølen - Storestølen og Veslestølen Ål in Hallingdal