Syningen - Topp 11 - Golsfjellet

Syningen is locateed between Skutuset and Einarset (Storefjell), Golsfjellet and is 1031 masl.
(GPS: 32 V 497170 6739228).
Syningen appears to be a great panorama-top in the terrain. The view from the top is very good,even if it not rises high.
The summit is accessible from both Skutuset,Einarset and Turkuppmyre.
The checkpoints in the descriptions refer to the signs in the terrain and free sketch map of the area.
From Skutuset:
Alternative 1
Checkpoint 356 by 446 to Syningen (topp 1).
Total length 0,9 kmAlternative 2
Checkpoinnt 357 to Syningen (topp 1).
Total lengde 0,8 kmFrom Storesletta (the bottom of Storefjellbakken):
Checkpoint 415 by 447 and 446 to Syningen (topp 1). Total length 2,1 kmFrom Einarset/Storefjell:
Checkpoint 412, 435, 434 and 444 to Syningen (topp 1).
Total length 2,4 kmFrom Turkuppmyre:
Checkpoint 328, 433, 434 and 444 to Syningen (topp 1).
Total length 2,3 kmSyningen is included in Topp 11 - hikes for the whole family.
If you register your visits on 6 or more peaks, you may win a prize!
DirectionsRv 51 -> Golsfjellet -> Storefjell/SkutusetRv 52 -> Robru -> Golsfjellet Vest -> Løstegård/Turkuppmyre
Registration of the top:
Each top has its own code. Register 6 peaks, and you may win great prizes.
How to register the top:
• Note the SF (code at the top) on the participantcard and hand it in at Gol Tourist Office, OsetHøyfjellshotell or Storefjell Resort Hotel.
The brochure with map and participant card, is available in the tourist office and accommodation providers. You also find it in the mailboxes on the peaks.
Have a great hike and good luck in the prize draw!
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Syningen - Topp 11 - Golsfjellet