Visvergunning Ål in Hallingdal
You can buy fishing license several places in Ål, among others at Ål Tourist Information, in the sports stores, at the gas station and many of the overnight accommodations. There are also sale of fishing license in some of the fishing areas as they have self service boxes. You will find these boxes on your way into the mountain areas or close to the actual water. It is also possible to buy fishing license from the internet and sms to some of the areas (in norwegian). In Bergsjøområdet you can now fish in almost 20 trout-waters with one new combined fishing permit. (The zones earlier refered to as 7, 8, 9, 10 og 13.) Fishing license on INATUR You can buy fishing license online from www.inatur.no when fishing in these areas: Hallingdalselva Vatsfjorden Svarttjern Bergsjøområdet/ Bergsjøkortet Rødungen Nord Kvinda River in Kvinnegardslia The waters that belongs to Ål Jeger og Fiskeforening (Ål Hunting and Fishing Association) at Veståsen. Fishing license on SMS Fishing license can also be bought via your mobile phone for Ål JFF's water at Veståsen, Svarttjern, Vatsfjorden and the Bergsjø-card in Bergsjøområdet. For instructions on how to buy fishing license with mobile phone and credit card, go to www.inatur.no via the browser on your mobile phone. The reciept will come as a sms. It's important that you have your Secure Key with you when buying via the internet.
Bron: Hallingdal Reiseliv
Visvergunning Ål in Hallingdal