Ørje locks

Ørje locks is located in the Halden Canal between Øymarksjøen and Rødenessjøen.
Ørje locks is located in the Halden Canal between Øymarksjøen and Rødenessjøen. The locks are located at the southern end of Rødenessjøen just up to E 18. Ørje locks have a lifting height of a total of 10 meters. The locks were built in the years 1857-1860 at the same time as Strømsfoss locks. The locks are hand operated, just as they were at the opening in 1860.
The locks are surrounded by a beautiful, old building environment and on the west side of the locks are the lock master's residence and the lock assistant's accommodation.
At the top lock is a memorial stone over the canal builder Engebret Soot, the country's foremost canal builder. Engebret Soot planned the oldest part of the Telemark Canal and was behind the construction of both the Otteid Canal, the Soot Canal and the Halden Canal. The Bauta to his memory was raised in 1936, 150 years after his birth. "Soot-spelet" in the lock amphitheater in Ørje has become an annual tradition. The theatre is about Engebret Soot and is played every year at the end of June. In the locks you can also experience "Lørdag i slusene" every Saturday during the summer season, a free event with song and music in the sluice amphitheater.
Bron: Visit Indre Østfold
Ørje locks