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Søndre Land

Dokka Delta National Wetlands Centre

Fuglekikking i Dokkadeltaet
Dokkadeltaet Nasjonale Våtmarkssenter
Erfaringsstol tiger i Dokkadelta
Rødstjert i Dokkadeltaet
Gardsetra foto Elida Sandneseng
Dokkadelta - Erfaringsstol Hellefossen
Fugl i vann Dokkadelta

About the Dokka Delta National Wetlands Centre
The Dokka Delta National Wetlands Centre is an information centre with offices at Lands Museum, a Nature House at Odnes near Land Sag and a field station with suitable premises for outdoor and indoor activities in Våten/Fjordheim on the western side of the delta. The Nature House is open by prior announcement, or when the door is open. The building houses a teaching room and changing exhibitions. Outside, visitors can enjoy fishing, bathing, barbecuing and bird-watching; the area is open to everyone. A nature and culture trail runs alongside the railway track from the Nature House to Dokka. In summer, the wetlands centre hires out canoes in the Dokka delta. In cooperation with Lands Museum we offer a permanent exhibition on wetlands.

"Chairs of Experiences"
With the exhibition "Chairs of Experiences in the Dokka delta ecosystem", the Dokka delta national wetlands centre invites visitors to experience the varied and diverse waterway landscape of Land and Etnedal.  "Chairs of Experiences" are found in various nature rooms from Synnfjell in the north to Randsfjorden in the south. The diverse nature rooms depict the story of the nature through the seasons, and the relationship between man and nature.

Nature invites and you are always welcome! To find the "Chairs of Experiences" and other adventures, download the app Turapp Land: from Appstore or Google Play.

Wetlands exhibition
"Biological Diversity in Wetlands" is a permanent exhibition held in cooperation with Lands Museum. It can be visited during the museum's opening hours.

Bird day in the Dokka delta
Every year, on the first Sunday in May, the wetlands centre organises a bird day in the Dokka delta. This is a family-friendly event with activities such as bird-watching with ornithologists from NOF, nature trail with great prizes for children, the building of bird nest boxes, ring-marking of birds and much more. Sale of coffee, cake and waffles. The event takes place at the Nature House in Odnes.

The Dokka delta nature reserve
The Dokka delta is found where the rivers Etna and Dokkas flow in the Randsfjorden lake. It is a protected nature reserve and a Ramsar site. The Dokka delta is one of the biggest and most important rest stops in eastern Norway for migrating waterfowl. When the muddy banks dry out in April and May, food sources are exposed, which improves the feeding conditions for a large number of bird species. A number of rare, vulnerable and endangered bird species appear in the reserve, and a total of 52 species from the Norwegian red list have been observed. During the spring migration, many species appear in great numbers, including great crested grebe, pink-footed goose, common teal, tufted duck, common crane, golden plover and common greenshank. There are bird-watching towers both at the Nature House and at Våten.

Welcome to the Dokka delta national wetlands centre!

Bron: Visit Øst-Norge

Dokka Delta National Wetlands Centre

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