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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Gjøvik gård

Solbed drengestua Hallen Foto Mjøsmuseet-Ragni E Nilsen
Toner pa° tunet - Gjøvik gård
Tunet mot hovedbygningen Foto Mjøsmuseet-Ragni E Nilsen
Gjøvik gård
Frukthagen lekeplass Foto Mjøsmuseet-Ragni E Nilsen
Gjøvik gård - Alf Mjøens Grammofon
GJØViK GA°RD musikkstuen
About Gjøvik Gård Located in the centre of Gjøvik is the beautiful park surrounding the residence Gjøvik Gård. Tree-lined streets from the town hall and Strandgata lead to up to the attractive grounds of the residence. There is a cosy cafe and playground. The old barn is home to several exhibitions.   The main building from 1810 is the chief attraction. It was built by Caspar Kauffeldt, the founder of Gjøvik glass works. Every weekend in the summer, the museum Mjøsmuseet opens its doors for guided tours of the beautiful and original interiors, which depict the life of the Mjøen family in the period 1861-1956.   Welcome!  

Bron: Visit Øst-Norge

Gjøvik gård

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