Nettbuss Ringeriket avd Gjøvik

TIMEkspressen line 15 runs from Gjøvik via Skreia and Gardermoen to Oslo.
On weekdays, there are 7 departures each way on TIMEkspressen’s route between Gjøvik and Oslo, which is served by modern coaches. Slightly fewer departures on Saturdays and Sundays.
Ringruta operates hourly departures from Gjøvik to Raufoss, Reinsvoll, Bøverbru, Lena, Kapp and back to Gjøvik, as well as in the opposite direction.
Nettbuss Ringerike’s branch in Gjøvik also operates local bus routes.
If you are a small group going to Gardermoen airport or Oslo, please contact us for a good price on TIMEkspressen line 15. For large groups we will provide a private coach – whatever your destination.
Bron: Visit Øst-Norge
Nettbuss Ringeriket avd Gjøvik