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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Rød Manor

Rød Herregård
Rød Herregårds hage
Rød Herregård
Rød Herregård_LindaAhlsen
Rød Herregård_LindaAhlsen

Manorial Rød - a gem in Halden

Rød Manor - a Museum included in Østfoldmuseene - Halden Historical Collections - is a very special and unique experience, both outside and inside.
This is a very special home, where time has stood still in more than 50 years. Rød is as exciting for children as for adults; here you will find a real lion carpet, well known artists like Hans Gude, royal bedrooms and much more.
The east wing of the main building dates back to 1733, while the middle part of the house is believed to be even older. 
From about 1750, Rød was owned by the families Tank and Anker. The house has an elegant look with beautiful interiors and valuable works of art. One of the country's largest private collections of weapons is also found here.
The magnificent English gardens at Rød with their large deciduous trees, an avenue of hazlenut trees and symmetrical walkways in the Italian and French baroque style are among the finest to be found in Norway.

Opening hours primo May - ultimo September, guided tours by prior arrangement.

Bron: Halden Turist

Rød Manor

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