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Rallarvegen - The Navvies’ Road


Rallarvegen, the old works road alongside the Bergen Railway and the Flåm Railway (Haugastøl – Finse - Myrdal - Flåm) is Norway's most popular cycle ride.

Rallarvegen, the old works road alongside the Bergen Railway and the Flåm Railway (Haugastøl – Finse - Myrdal - Flåm) is one of Norway's most popular cycle route.

The route starts at Haugastøl, and follows the Bergensbanen railway to Finse, Hallingskeid and Myrdal before it continues down and ends up by the fjord side in Flåm. You can rent bicycles at Haugastøl, Finse and Flåm, and pleasant accommodation is available several places along the route.

The season lasts from the beginning of July to late September, depending on weater conditions.

Bron: Visit Sognefjord AS

Rallarvegen - The Navvies’ Road

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