Svalbard Wildlife Wildlife Camp 3 dager

Eco-gecertificeerde aanbieders
Milieucertificering van particuliere en overheidsbedrijven, ook voor toerisme.

Kayak trip next to a glacier, glacier walk and camp life is some of the things you will experience on this Wilderness Camp. Welcome!
Wildlife Camp 3 days - An eventful classic experience.
If you have three days to spend on a real Svalbard experience, we recommend that you join us on our Wilderness Camp in Ymerbukta. This is our most popular tour in the summertime, and it is suitable for almost everybody. We start off the tour with boat transportation to Ymerbukta on the north side of Isfjorden. We will kayak to the grand glacier front the first day and spend the next day glacier hiking on Esmark Glacier. We will end the camp with a short hike in the surrounding areas. After a delicious dinner in our mess tent, we will enjoy the evening and the bright arctic night by the bonfire on the beach with a magnificent view over a vast landscape. We will go to sleep in our tents lulled by the sound of the calving glacier and the waves washing up on the beach, while the neighbour tent is keeping a keen eye for polar bears. We will stop by the Russian community Barentsburg on our way back to Longyearbyen. This trip is scheduled for Friday to Sunday in July and August.
- 16 jaar
- Gletsjerwandeling
- Wandelen
- Kajakken
- Meerdaags
Adults | 10.450,00 * | Pr. persoon |
* Prijs vanaf |
Bron: Svalbard Reiseliv AS
Svalbard Wildlife Wildlife Camp 3 dager