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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


The childhood home of Thor Heyerdahl

Thor Heyerdahls barndomshjem
Thor Heyerdahls barndomshjem
Thor Heyerdahls barndomshjem
Thor Heyerdahls barndomshjem
Thor Heyerdahls barndomshjem
Statue of Thor Heyerdahl at Tollerodden

Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002) was an archaeologist, an author and an adventurer. He is regarded the most famous person ever to come from Larvik.

Thor Heyerdahl's childhood home
Thor Heyerdahl was a scientist and explorer, and became world famous for his expeditions with Kon-Tiki, Ra and Tigris. Heyerdahl grew up in Steingata 7 and from his room he had an inspiring view to the sea. 

Guided tours available to the public
The house is open to the public from mid June to mid August for guided tours. This is arranged by Larvik Historielag.

Larvik city council made Thor Heyerdahl honorary citizen of the town Larvik in 1971, and for his 75th birthday a monument of stone specie "Larvikite", was made. You can view the statue at idyllic Tollerodden. In 2007, five years after Thor Heyerdahl passed away, Larvik city council bought his family home in Steingata 7.

Famous adventurer
Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002) was an archaeologist, an author and an adventurer. He is regarded the most famous person ever to come from Larvik. Already as a youngster he was interested in nature, animals and science. He developed a passion for Polynesia when he got in touch with a friend in Oslo, who had lots of literature on this Pacific island.

He studied zoology at the university of Oslo, but he also took major interest in related subjects like biology and anthropology and other topics that had to do with the Pacific region.

Thor Heyerdahl was originally buried on the family estate in Italy in 2002. In the summer of 2024, the urn was transported home to his new burial place at Larvik church.

Thor Heyerdah had three major expeditions:

The Kon-Tiki expedtion in 1947 tried to prove Heyerdahl's theory about Polynesia having been settled from South America in contrast to from Asia. He pointed to vegetation, ocean currents and tropical winds as his argumention, and he meant local oral tradition supported this views.

The Ra expeditions in 1969 and 1970 tried to link the South America Indian tribes together with old African and Middle East civilzations.

The Tigris expedition in 1977. Through the expedtion with Tigris, Thor Heyerdahl wanted to test eventual coummunication between pre-historic civilizations either side of the continents. The reason for travelling to the Bay of Persia and the Indian Ocean was to show the Egpt and Mesopotamia could have had inter-continental business relations several thoursand years ago.

Thor Heyerdahl writings
Thor Heyerdahl wrote quite a few books and articles, and he led several archaeological excavations in Peru, in the Maldives and at the island of Tenerife.

Thor Heyerdahl documentaries
Heyerdahl is the producer of documentaries Kon-Tiki (1950), Galapagos (1955), Aku-Aku (1960) and Ra (1972).

Kon-Tiki the movie
The Oscar nominatd movie Kon-Tiki (2012) gave new awareness to Thor Heyerdahl's adventures and discoveries.

The house can be booked 
Stavern and Larvik Event organizes meetings and dinner for groups all year.
The house enebles events up to 30 people. Happenings with concerts and barbeque may be arranged in the wonderful garden for up to 70 persons. There are three lovely bedrooms in the house. 

Bron: Visit Larvik

The childhood home of Thor Heyerdahl

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