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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Dyre Vaa kunstverzameling

Dyre Vaa samlingane
Dyre Vaa Samlingane 2022 (8)
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Dyre Vaa Samlingane 2022 (10)
Dyre Vaa samlingane
Dyre Vaa samlingane
Dyre Vaa (30)
Dyre Vaa samlingane

The museum shows sculptures, paintings, graphic art and drawings by the famous artist Dyre Vaa (1903-1980).

The museum shows sculptures, paintings, graphic art and drawings by the famous artist Dyre Vaa (1903-1980). The sculptor Tor Vaa, son of Dyre Vaa, is also represented by a special exhibition. Next to Gustav Vigeland, Dyre Vaa is the sculptor who to the greatest extent has influenced Norwegian sculptural art. No other Norwegian sculptor has won as many awards as him. Dyre Vaa (1903-1980): Dyre Vaa grew up I Kviteseid, but moved to Rauland in the early 1930ies. The Vaa-family included many artists, the poet Aslaug Vaa was Dyre's eldest sister, the writer Tarjei Vesaas and the composer Eivind Groven were his second cousins. Dyre Vaa married Thora Bojer, daughter of the writer Johan Bojer. With her background in history of art, ,she was Dyre's critic, advisor and model. Dyre Vaa made his debut at the National Exhibition of Visual Arts as a 20 year-old, and his work was purchased by the National Gallery. "Human meets nature" is the title of four large figures at the Ankerbrua bridge in Oslo. While he was working on these sculptures during the 1930's he moved to Rauland, and lived there for the rest of his life. Other famous works are "The wolves" at Alexander Kiellands Plass in Oslo, "The sailors' monument" in Bergen, "The Holberg monument" by the National Theatre, and "The swans" near Oslo City Hall. For off-season group guiding, contact West Telemark Museum.

Bron: Vest Telemark

Dyre Vaa kunstverzameling

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