Øystre Slidre
Langsua Nasjonalpark

Langsua National Park – Friendly mountain terrain and marshes
The Langsua National Park is Norway’s «youngest». It is located between Valdres and Gausdal and has a unique low-mountain landscape and extensive marshes in the south and northwest, and heights up to 1500 m.a.s.l in the north. Langsua offers many hiking- and cycling opportunities in a light mountain terrain. Recommended entrance points to the Langsua National Park from Valdres are the mountain farming area Storeskag (Øystre Slidre) and the DNT tourist cabin Svarthamar (Nord-Aurdal), both accessible by car in the summer. Alternatively, follow the mountain road between Etnedal and Gausdal/Lillehammer via Lenningen.
The highest point in Langsua is Skaget (1686 m.a.s.l.), which is a family-friendly hike with a great view from Storeskag. At the outskirts of the National Park, there are mountain pastures with grazing animals.
Bron: Valdres Destinasjon
Langsua Nasjonalpark