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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Lom Stave Church - among the largest and oldest

Lom stavkyrkje. Foto Michael Schreier (1)
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Lom stavkyrkje
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Lom Stave Church – among the largest and oldest stave churches in Norway. The church was built in the mid-12th century and has since been the main church in Lom.

Lom Stave Church is one of the largest and most beautiful stave churches in Norway. The church was built in the mid-12th century and has since been the main church in Lom. The church is open every day during the summer season.

The impressive church dates back to 1158-59, confirmed through dendrochronological research. It is still the main church in Lom. The oldest part was built in Romanesque style.

The Lom stave church was built extra large; in the Middle Ages it was the main church in the northern Gudbrandsdal district. Lom was also an important stopover for pilgrims at that time. In 1634 the church was extended to the west, and in 1663 the crossarms were added in framework construction. to the north and south. The tower was built at the same time. Most of the furnishing is from the 18th century. The famous wood carver Jakop Sæterdalen is the master behind the chancel arch and the pulpit. The Lom stave church has the largest collection of paintings found in any Norwegian church, most of them done by Eggert Munch. By archeological excavations in 1973 interesting findings were made; more than 2.000 coins and a love message with carved runes on a stick.

Drop in:
Join an open guiding in Lom Stave church and experience the impressive architecture and history of the church.

Visitors who are not part of a group can participate in open guided tours. During the summer season, there are open tours every day, and no pre-booking is necessary. Individuals can join an open guiding in Lom Stave church and experience the impressive architecture and history of the church.

You will have the opportunity to get a closer look at the details of the church, its architecture, and learn about its history. Guides will be present to answer questions and provide information.

Lom Church has a large collection of paintings. Most of them were painted by Eggert Munch, a pastor's son born in Vågå 1685. Feel free to combine your visit to Lom Stave Church with a stop in Lom town center, where you will find shops, restaurants, and accommodations.

For groups: 
Lom Stave church is a great destination for groups and tour operators. We welcome groups year-round by prior booking (minimum 2 days before arrival).

To book a group tour, please contact us in advance. We accept bookings at least two days before arrival. The church is still used for services, weddings, and funerals, so it may be closed at certain times. We would be happy to help you plan a memorable visit to Lom Stave Church for your group.

Tour guides will give a presentation of 20-30 minutes and answer questions afterwards. We have guides who speak Norwegian and English, and by prior arrangement, we can also provide guides who speak German. We have written information available in 15 different languages.

Lom Stave Church is located in the middle of Southern Norway, close to the municipality center of Fossbergom.

Closed during church services.

Bron: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Lom Stave Church - among the largest and oldest


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