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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


viewpoint SNØHETTA

viewpoint SNØHETTA
Viewpoint Snøhetta - Foto: Kristoffer Mæle Thuestad
viewpoint SNØHETTA
viewpoint SNØHETTA
viewpoint SNØHETTA

Is an architectural viewing pavilion overlooking Tverrfjellet mountain at Hjerkinn. The building was designed by Snøhetta architects and opened in 2011. Viewpoint SNØHETTA is part of the Visitor Centre Wild Reindeer.

Welcome to Viewpoint Snøhetta in the summer. Viewpoint Snøhetta is closed in the winter.

We open 10 June 2023! We follow the seasons of the mountains and do not open before the snow has melted. We
close as soon as the snow returns in the fall, in mid-October. We offer guided tours and
archery courses in the summer. Everything is free of charge.

The pavilion is a boxed-steel construction, with a large glass surface facing Snøhetta to the north, and an organic, undulating wooden shape to the south. The building is open and accessible during the summer months and is 20 minutes’ walk from the car park at Tverrfjellet.

The car park is ringed by posts inspired by the old fences used more than 800 years ago to capture wild reindeer in the mountains. Follow the gravel path, which is wheelchair friendly, 1500 meters up to the viewpoint. On the way a series of stone slabs tells the history of Dovrefjell over the last 10000 years. At the top you reach viewpoint SNØHETTA, with views to Dovre-Sunndalsfjella National Park and the disused artillery range at Hjerkinn.

The building has won several international awards and was named “World Building of the Year” in 2011.

Bron: Nasjonalparkriket Reiseliv AS

viewpoint SNØHETTA


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